
Poll: How Much Do You Charge For A Therapy Session?

Are you unsure about how much to charge for psychotherapy in private practice? I've blogged recently about signs it's time to raise your fees and how to talk to your clients about raising your fees, but what about setting your fees in the first place?

One thing to consider in setting your psychotherapy rates is what other therapists with equal experience and training are charging. While average fees vary greatly depending on your location, your degree, level of experience, and many other factors, I thought it would be fun to poll who read this blog so you can see where you fall on the continuum to give you a general sense of what other therapists are charging.

Do you want to know how your fees compare to other private practice mental health therapists? Take this poll. What's your fee for a 45-50 min. therapy session?

Are you surprised by the results of this survey? Where do your fees fall on this continuum?

Feel free to post your comments and questions below! If you know other mental health therapist's in private practice, please share this poll with them. (c) Can Stock Photo