Blog Challenge

Therapist Blog Challenge #21: Maintaining Space in a Relationship

Blogging I'm excited to present a blog challenge that has to do with one of my favorite topics: relationships. Specifically, you'll have the chance to explore the idea of how a person can maintain his/her own space (physically and emotionally) while also being in a relationship.

[Headline] Come up with a headline to give your readers an idea of what is to come. Here are a few examples:

"'Give Me Some Space!' Maintaining Healthy Boundaries in Relationships"

"Creating an Appropriate Amount of (Emotional) Space With Your Significant Other"

"Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder; How Spending Time Away From Your Spouse Can Strengthen Your Connection"

"Preserve Your Relationship By Taking Time For Yourself!"

[Strong Intro] Write an introductory paragraph to explain the topic more and lay the scene for your main points. You may write your own or use the following:

Movies and pop culture often portray two people in love as inseparable and completely enamored with one another. Some struggle when they realize that the experience of real life can be quite different. The truth is that almost everyone in a relationship needs a little personal space and even time away. But how can you get a breather while still maintaining your relationship? Here are some reasons why space is important and also ways to create boundaries and still keep your connection strong:

[Scanable Content] Break up your content to make it more digestible and easy to read. Under each point, flesh out your idea by elaborating on your thoughts.

1. Tune In To Your Feelings

Acknowledging your emotions that you need a little space in your relationship is the first step. Maybe you're feeling a bit cut off from other people or are even feeling a bit smothered. Some may be inclined to ignore such feelings or consider them "bad," but instead express to yourself if you are wanting a bit of a breather from your significant other.

2. Communicate About Your Needs

It may be a bit tricky, but tactfully communicate that you would like to branch out a bit. Be careful to let the other person know that you are not ending the relationship, but just want to find ways to enrich your life and experience. Express how you are feeling, and listen to your love's response; it's possible that he/ she is wanting the same thing!

3. Pursue Your Individual Passions

Take time to "get to know yourself" and do something that you enjoy (but perhaps have been neglecting). Go ahead and sign up for that pottery class, or recommit yourself to your exercise regimen that has suffered a bit. Encourage the other person to likewise engage in activities that he/ she likes.

4. Nourish Your Friendships

Although your spouse or significant other is likely your "number one," remember that no single person can fulfill all of your needs. We as humans are wired to connect, and we have something to learn from different people in our lives. Moreover, there is likely someone in your circle of influence who needs you, so take a break for a day or two and spend an evening with a friend.

5. Come Back Together Stronger Than Before 

If you need some space and give yourself permission to take it, you're practicing self-care and can become even closer to your significant other. Famed German psychologist Erik Erikson explained that "identity precedes intimacy." Paradoxically, your relationship can be strengthened by developing your self and then creating and maintaining space!

[Strong ending paragraph] Wrap up your post by summarizing your main points to conclude and then possibly offering a further idea or two for readers or a call to action. Here’s an example:

Relationships need a lot to thrive: time, love, honesty, and connection. But each person taking time for him/ herself is an important (and sometimes overlooked) component in creating and maintaining a strong and healthy relationship. Tune in to your feelings, communicate, spend time with your friends and doing what you like, and come back together stronger than before.

Additional reminders about the 2015 blog challenge

  • Write and post your blog article in the next 2 weeks. If you miss the deadline or you read this article months later, that’s OK too. Post a link for this blog challenge in the comment section of this blog post.
  • Read, comment, and share other therapist’s articles.
  • Tweet your post using hashtag #therapistblog and tag @drjuliehanks so I can retweet it.
  • Pin it on the challenge Pinterest Board. I’ve invited everyone who posted a comment on the initial blog challenge post as collaborators so you can pin onto the group board.
  • Spread the word and invite mental health colleagues to join the challenge. Articles can be added anytime throughout the year.
  • Write no more than 600 words, make it easy to read, use a conversational tone, and gear your articles toward your ideal client (not other professionals).
  • The goal of a professional blog is to provide value to your website visitors, help them get to know your professional perspective, increase traffic to your private practice website, and build your practice.

Join my Private Practice Toolbox Facebook group and connect with 3100 therapists around the globe in 2 simple steps: 1) Click request to join the group and 2) Fill out this brief questionnaire before you’ll be added to the group.Get practice tips and blog updates in your inbox.

Sign up for the Private Practice Toolbox Newsletter here.


Get 52 FREE Blog Topics and prompts when you sign up for the PPT Newsletter (that’s a year's worth of weekly blog posts!)

Therapist Blog Challenge #20: Athletes and Mental Health

challenge_20 Therapist Blog Challenge #20 deals with the sometimes misunderstood topic of the mental challenges that athletes may experience.

[Headline] Come up with a headline to give your readers an idea of what is to come. Here are a few examples:

Athletes' Unique Struggles With Mental Illness

Why Athletes Are Not Immune to Mental Health Challenges

Depression and Anxiety in Athletic Competitors

[Strong Intro] Write an introductory paragraph to explain more the topic and lay the scene for your main points. You may write your own or use the following:

Athletes are the envy of many in our society. Whether they're professionals, college players, or even high schoolers who excel in sports, it's not uncommon to desire their physical strength, attractive appearance, and mental grit. But what some may not understand is that athletes are just as vulnerable to mental health problems as the rest of the population. In fact, they often face unique struggles concerning their psychological well-being. According to some estimates, as many as 1 in 5 athletes experiences some form of a mood disorder. Here are 4 common reasons why athletes may struggle with mental illness:

[Scanable Content] Break up your content to make it more digestible and easy to read. Under each point, flesh out your idea by elaborating on your thoughts.

Athletes Often Tie Their Self-Worth To Their Performance

Athletes may experience feelings of worthlessness or extreme disappointment if they lose a game or match or otherwise do not perform at the level they desire. As losing (and even failing) is an inherent part of sports, this can occur quite frequently and therefore take an emotional toll that may leave these individuals prone to situational depression.

Frequent Injuries

Depending on the specific sport of event, some athletes may get hurt quite regularly. Head injuries (particularly concussions) sometimes seen with football players can lead to depression. Also, injuries that sideline athletes can cause them to feel incomplete or incompetent, which may further trouble them emotionally; if sports is what an individual excels at, he/she may feel like there is nothing else without them.

Associate Mental Illness With Weakness

As athletics emphasizes strength, having an "off-day" or being otherwise psychologically low may come off as weakness. Coaches and players may exacerbate this idea, and athletes can feel even worse about themselves if they are experiencing extreme sadness, anxiety, or other uncomfortable emotions resulting from a mental illness. There is already enough societal stigma concerning this topic, and this may even be more so in the world of athletics.

High Stress and Pressure

Everyone experiences the stress of everyday life, but that felt during an athletic event is even more intense. As an athlete's paycheck (and pride) depends on their performance, the stress and anxiety can sometimes prove too much and create a heavy psychological burden.

[Strong ending paragraph] 

Wrap up your post by summarizing your main points to conclude and then possibly offering a further idea or two for readers to investigate on their own. Here's an example:

The nature of sports and competitiveness presents unique challenges for athletes. Thankfully, we can raise awareness of this issue in the hopes or reaching more individuals who may need professional help. Visit the International Society for Sports Psychiatry (ISSP) for more information.

Additional reminders about the 2015 blog challenge

  • Write and post your blog article in the next 2 weeks. If you miss the deadline or you read this article months later, that’s OK too. Post a link for this blog challenge in the comment section of this blog post.
  • Read, comment, and share other therapist’s articles.
  • Tweet your post using hashtag #therapistblog and tag @julie_hanks so I can retweet it.
  • Pin it on the challenge Pinterest Board. I’ve invited everyone who posted a comment on the initial blog challenge post as collaborators so you can pin onto the group board.
  • Spread the word and invite mental health colleagues to join the challenge. Articles can be added anytime throughout the year.
  • Write no more than 600 words, make it easy to read, use a conversational tone, and gear your articles toward your ideal client (not other professionals).
  • The goal of a professional blog is to provide value to your website visitors, help them get to know your professional perspective, increase traffic to your private practice website, and build your practice.

Join my Private Practice Toolbox Facebook group and connect with 3200 therapists around the globe in 2 simple steps: 1) Click request to join the group and 2) Fill out this brief questionnaire before you’ll be added to the group.Get practice tips and blog updates in your inbox.

Get 52 FREE Blog Topics and prompts when you sign up for the PPT Newsletter (that's a years worth of weekly blog posts!)

Therapist Blog Challenge #19: Parenting a Special Needs Child

challenge_19 Therapist blog challenge #19 focuses on the experience of parenting a child with special needs.

(Note: This is, of course an incredibly broad topic. Subtopics include welcoming a child with special needs into the family, helping siblings of kids with learning disabilities, helping adults with special needs, etc. Narrow it down as you see fit.)

[Headline] Write a title that gives readers a clear idea of what your post is about. You may use one of the following if you'd like:

How to Begin to Understand Parenting a Special Needs Child

A First Time Parent's Guide to Nurturing a Special Needs Child

An Emotional Survival Guide for Parents of Children with Special Needs

[Strong Intro] Lay out the topic with a little more detail in an opening paragraph. Below is an example:

Expectant couples eagerly wait to welcome a new little one into their family. But sometimes a soon-to-be mom and dad discover that their child will have special needs, which will significantly affect their experience. Other parents learn of their child's unique needs later in family life. No matter the age of the child or the kind of disability, first discovering about their child's physical, emotional, or mental challenges can be a very difficult situation for parents. Here are 4 steps to help them begin to navigate the experience:

[Scanable Content] Break your content into smaller, readable sections with a clear sub-heading.

Let Yourself Feel What You Feel      

Learning that a special needs child will be joining your family can bring a flood of conflicting emotions. Some of these may include confusion, excitement, frustration, gratitude, inadequacy, nervousness, and joy. Acknowledge your full range of emotions without dismissing or judging them. Tune into what you feel, as they can help you gain perspective, clarity, and insight about how to navigate this new experience.


Some parents may feel guilty for being (somewhat) saddened that their child is special needs (particularly if he/she has a severe disability). It's important to allow yourself to properly grieve your loss of expectations of how your family life might have been different. This doesn't make you a bad or ungrateful parent; it instead helps you accept the reality and begin a journey toward embracing the challenges and joys of having a special needs child. Take the time to grieve the loss of certain dreams that may no longer be possible or realistic.

Join a Community

There are no shortage of resources from parents who also have special needs children in their home. Take advantage of the countless blogs, professional publications, and meet-up groups that are available to you. Not only can you learn from other parents functional knowledge about such topics as your child's nutrition, education, and social development, but you can lean on others for emotional support during difficult challenges that you may encounter. You yourself can help provide comfort and support for others as well.

Take One Day at a Time

Beginning the journey of your new life with a special needs child is unlike anything you've ever done before. The learning curve is steep, and it's almost guaranteed that you will experience some worry, doubt, and confusion. Try to be patient with yourself, take things one step at a time, and celebrate the accomplishments and goals both you and your child reach along the way.

[Strong ending paragraph] The final paragraph wraps up your post and can include a summary of important points.

Although learning that your child has special needs can certainly be emotionally difficult, it can also be the beginning of a wonderful family opportunity to grow together and experience joy. This is a lifetime endeavor, and the learning process will never stop. By allowing yourself to grieve and feel a full range of emotions, reaching out to others for help, and taking small steps, you can successfully begin your new life as the parent of a special needs child.

Additional reminders about the Therapist Blog Challenge:

  • Write and post your blog article in the next 2 weeks. If you miss the deadline or you read this article months later, that’s OK too. Post a link for this blog challenge in the comment section of this blog post.
  • Read, comment, and share other therapist’s articles.
  • Tweet your post using hashtag #therapistblog and tag @julie_hanks so I can retweet it.
  • Pin it on the challenge Pinterest Board. I’ve invited everyone who posted a comment on the initial blog challenge post as collaborators so you can pin onto the group board.
  • Spread the word and invite mental health colleagues to join the challenge. Articles can be added anytime throughout the year.
  • Write no more than 600 words, make it easy to read, use a conversational tone, and gear your articles toward your ideal client (not other professionals).
  • The goal of a professional blog is to provide value to your website visitors, help them get to know your professional perspective, increase traffic to your private practice website, and build your practice.

Join my Private Practice Toolbox Facebook group and connect with 3000 therapists around the globe in 2 simple steps: 1) Click request to join the group and 2) Fill out this brief questionnaire before you'll be added to the group.Get practice tips and blog updates in your inbox.

Sign up for the Private Practice Toolbox Newsletter here.

Remember that this is a lifelong journey...

Therapist Blog Challenge #18: Agree to Disagree


Therapist blog challenge #18 deals with how to have a disagreement with a loved one while still preserving your relationship.   

[Headline] Come up with a catchy title for your blog post. Here are a few examples:

Debating with Dignity: How to Disagree and Still Be Friends

Maintaining Relationships When You Having Different Opinions

Agree to Disagree: Respectfully Holding Differing Views

[Strong Intro] Lay out the topic with a little more detail in an opening paragraph. Below is an example:

There's no shortage of controversial issues in our world. Politics, religion, social issues, and even personal tastes in music and art can cause conflict in our interactions with others. But what happens when you disagree about certain topics with a romantic partner, family member, or close friend? Can you maintain your views without sabotaging your relationship? Yes! Here are 5 strategies to disagreeing on certain issues while still maintaining a strong connection with your loved one:

[Scanable Content] Break your content into smaller, readable sections with a clear sub-heading.

Is It Worth It? 

Before engaging in a (heated) debate, ask yourself if the discussion is valuable enough to have. If you feel strongly about a particular subject, then maybe it is worth it to express yourself and make sure you are heard. But if it's a topic that doesn't resonate personally or is otherwise irrelevant, it's probably not a good idea to risk putting a strain on your relationship. A common saying is that, "you don't have to attend every argument you're invited to." Additionally, be conscious of your environment. A workplace or family gathering is not the place to have a heated debate. If you feel you must discuss something controversial, make sure you have a private setting in which to do so.

Practice Respect

If you do decide to freely discuss something about which you disagree, respect is crucial. Always, always avoiding name-calling and yelling. No argument is worth that. Being respectful with your words and body language can not only preserve your relationship, but can also facilitate the conversation and make it more productive. The famous actress/ comedian Amy Poehler has said, "If you can speak about what you care about to someone you disagree with, you just may be heard."

Find Common Ground       

Take a moment to find things you do agree upon. For example, perhaps you are discussing a current health issue. It's a good idea to acknowledge not only your differing opinions, but also to state that you both want a solution that will benefit society. Finding common ground can help you relate to one another. You don't necessarily have to surrender your viewpoint, but try to reach some level of consensus.

Check Your Pride      

It's not uncommon for conversations about controversial subjects to devolve into power-struggles. Make sure you are expressing your beliefs instead of exercising your pride. Avoid engaging in debate simply to satisfy your ego, as this can lead to things escalating out of control. Don't allow your desire to be right become more important than your relationship.

Take a Break     

Discussions about the hot button issues have a way of dragging on forever. Those involved often go around in circles, and at some point, the conversation is no longer productive. If you find yourself hearing or repeating the same arguments, or if things become too heated, take a break. Better yet, end the conversation altogether! While you don't necessarily need to avoid disagreement altogether, you have to know when to stop.

[Strong ending paragraph] The final paragraph wraps up your post and can include a summary of important points.

Disagreeing on tough issues can be done in a loving, productive way. Not every debate needs to end with one person converting to the other's point of view; and that's okay (especially in relationships)! By using respectful language, keeping your pride and emotions in check, and stopping if things get too intense, you can successfully agree to disagree.

Additional reminders about the Therapist Blog Challenge:

  • Write and post your blog article in the next 2 weeks. If you miss the deadline or you read this article months later, that’s OK too. Post a link for this blog challenge in the comment section of this blog post.
  • Read, comment, and share other therapist’s articles.
  • Tweet your post using hashtag #therapistblog and tag @julie_hanks so I can retweet it.
  • Pin it on the challenge Pinterest Board. I’ve invited everyone who posted a comment on the initial blog challenge post as collaborators so you can pin onto the group board.
  • Spread the word and invite mental health colleagues to join the challenge. Articles can be added anytime throughout the year.
  • Write no more than 600 words, make it easy to read, use a conversational tone, and gear your articles toward your ideal client (not other professionals).
  • The goal of a professional blog is to provide value to your website visitors, help them get to know your professional perspective, increase traffic to your private practice website, and build your practice.

Join my Private Practice Toolbox Facebook group and connect with 3000 therapists around the globe in 2 simple steps: 1) Click request to join the group and 2) Fill out this brief questionnaire before you'll be added to the group.Get practice tips and blog updates in your inbox.

Sign up for the Private Practice Toolbox Newsletter here.

Therapist Blog Challenge #17: Managing Social Anxiety

challenge_17 Here's another Therapist Blog Challenge to get your creative juices flowing!

Therapist Blog Challenge #17 deals with how to cope with Social Anxiety Disorder. Those who experience this condition often feel crippling insecurity and fear in social situations. Here's some inspiration to write a post where you explain what SAD is and also offer ways to effectively manage it.

[Headline] Come up with a catchy title for your blog post. You may write your own or use one of the following:

"Get me out of here!": Dealing with Social Anxiety

"Everyone's Staring at Me!": Coping with Social Anxiety

Social Anxiety Disorder: How to Manage It and Enjoy Parties Again!

[Strong Intro] Introduce your readers to the topic, define Social Anxiety Disorder, and tell what the post is going to be about. Here is an example:

While many people consider parties and get-togethers to be fun, others have a much different experienceSome suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder, which causes a person to have excessive and irrational fear of social situations. While others normally enjoy social gatherings, those dealing with social anxiety feel extreme self-consciousness and nervousness. This is way beyond simply shyness; it's a real disorder that can disrupt someone's quality of life. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to minimize the symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder. Here are a few ways to effectively manage social anxiety:

[Scanable Content] Make your content easy to quickly scan and find the main points.


A professional therapist can help someone with social anxiety understand that his/her fears are irrational and overcome them with cognitive behavioral therapy, social training skills, or exposure therapy. A mental health specialist can help provide the tools to move past the limitations someone may feel because of Social Anxiety Disorder.

Deep Breathing Exercises

Focusing on something as simple as breathing can help a person experiencing Social Anxiety Disorder to regain clarity and feel calm and relaxed. When someone is feeling nervous or panicked, there is often a tendency to have quick, shallow breaths. By bringing awareness to one's breath, the heart rate slows down and the person is more in control. Regularly practicing deep breathing/ meditation techniques can help alleviate the effects of Social Anxiety Disorder.


Medication is a technique to manage symptoms of social anxiety and is usually used in combination with psychotherapy. Anti-depressants can help reduce anxiety and make someone feel like his/herself again. Those who turn to medication for treatment typically experience general anxiety as well. Talk to your doctor to see if medication is right for you.

[Strong Ending Paragraph]

Now, write a short paragraph to tie up your blog post. For this particular subject, it may be good to offer some encouragement that someone suffering from social anxiety can make it through. Below is an example:

Social Anxiety Disorder can be frustrating and discouraging, as you want to enjoy a healthy social life, but know that there is help. You may never become a party animal, but you can effectively manage anxiety in order to feel more comfortable, functional, and secure in social settings.

Additional reminders about the Therapist blog challenge

  • Write and post your blog article in the next 2 weeks. If you miss the deadline or you read this article months later, that’s OK too.
  • Post a link for this blog challenge in the comment section of this blog post.
  • Read, comment, and share other therapist’s articles.
  • Tweet your post using hashtag #therapistblog and tag @julie_hanks so I can retweet it.
  • Pin it on the challenge Pinterest Board. I’ve invited everyone who posted a comment on the initial blog challenge post as collaborators so you can pin onto the group board.
  • Spread the word and invite mental health colleagues to join the challenge. Articles can be added anytime throughout the year.
  • Write no more than 600 words, make it easy to read, use a conversational tone, and gear your articles toward your ideal client (not other professionals).
  • The goal of a professional blog is to provide value to your website visitors, help them get to know your professional perspective, increase traffic to your private practice website, and build your practice.